The initial idea for this group of artists was to experiment and go out and make art in a public space. After the first show we took it a step further to form an arts collective which led to some great opportunities. The project opened up new ideas of what it means to make artwork and curate with a group and collaborate with shared goals. We had an open-minded approach with new ways of thinking and making. It was a positive, empowering and an immersive experience. By taking my work further than the studio I was able to fully absorb the place. It involved engaging with people and creating audiences on location.
We were approached to take part in Stroud Valley Arts Festival (SVA). This involved occupying a space (without notice) in Merrywalks shopping centre. We took our art into the streets and over a weekend made ourselves noticed. We ended up exhibiting what we had been doing at Stroud subscription rooms, in a grand ballroom – very different setting to the empty shop. It was there we hosted a talk, to discuss our individual and collective ideas. We also hosted a talk with Holly Briggs from Assemble-Turner Prize winner.
In the month-long residency in The Wilson gallery, I ran various projects, some in the gallery space, and others out in the public. I collected as many drawings as possible from visitors and reproduced them into a large piece of work. The project focused around Cheltenham and I collected historical imagery and memories of the town through the eyes of the public as well as myself.