Life Through a Digital Filter

Life through a digital filter explores the relationship between memory and the digital architectures we traverse. Our memories and experiences are distorted through digital filters, which have the ability to change both our understanding and perception of the world. The artwork addresses such issues through the use of Illusion, juxtaposing a digital aesthetic with hand-made tactile drawings. This attempts to bring into question our understanding of contemporary registers of representation. The word filter in particular, has become prominent, as it means seeing the world through something. This body of work is a critique of the digital and I have asked questions about the consequences of relying on technology to inform our memory. The work is characterized by pixelated images and fragmented/distorted drawings. Our human memory is fragile and easily manipulated, I wanted this to come across in the work. My works require a change in perspective in order to appreciate them fully. In some of the works, there are two viewpoints, close up to see the text and at a distance to see the image, you cannot see simultaneously. You lose sensory experience through the digital, and I want to amplify this in my artwork. The main focus and what I want the audience to take away from this encounter is to encourage them to be more mindful of the effects on our memories through too much dependence on digital media and highlight the importance of sensory experiences.